SublimeText-3 Pro tips

Today I will share some pro tips to use with Sublime Text-3, which was my favorite editor a few years ago. Before I switched to vscode.
These are a few but helpful shortcuts every sublime user should know. I hope these will make your coding life very easy and comfortable.
Note : => is not a key word, I just use it to show you what is the next step.
- Find a file in working directory
ctrl+p -> filename
Description : When you need to find a file inside your working directory and you know the name of that file (at least a fraction of it). Else you have to use sidebar.
2. Find a function from a file
ctrl+p -> @method
Description : When you need to find a method inside your file, get the command pallet and
just type @
. This will bring all the functions inside your working file.
3. Find a word from file
ctrl+p -> #word
Description : When you need to find a word. after you get command pallet just type #
. Then
type the first few letters of the word you need to find.
4. To find a line
ctrl+p -> :line_number
Description : This is really helpful when you are debugging your program. You can just find
the exact line you need just by getting command pallet and type : line number.
5. Find unsaved changes
right-click -> show unsaved changes.
Description : This is helpful to see unsaved changes in your file. You can have a clear look at your file changes before saving them. Sublime gives a command line like window at the bottom. You can see places with +
or -
where you made changes.
6. Put tags to file
Description : Default this will give you <p> </p> tag, but you just have to put the tag you need. Really helpful when work with html.
7. Put tag to multiple lines
select text area need to tag -> alt+shift+w
Description : Don’t panic you forgot to place a html tag in your code. Just follow above steps and you are done.
8. Bring a line/word to somewhere
select the word -> ctrl+shift+arrow keys
Description : If you used cut and paste to bring a line to few place above or below, just try this one. Clean and smooth.
9. Duplicate a line
select words -> ctrl+shift+d
Description : just place your mouse pointer inside the word/line in your code and then click the key combination.
10. Remove a line
select line text -> ctrl+shift+k
Description : This removes the entire line and brings the line below into the right place. The code format does not change. That is the advantage of this code.
11. Bring a line left or right
select word / line -> ctrl + left/right arrow
Description : This creates a one tab space to left or right.
12. Bring your code into a coding standard
select code area -> Menu -> Edit -> Line -> Re-intent
Description : If you have a messy code, and trying to bring it into a standard format line by line.That was history. Just use this default method. This really helped me. Hope this would be the best trick you may learn :-)
13. Get multiple views
Menu -> View -> Layout -> Your selection
Description : When you need to work in multiple files, you can use this option.
I used Sublime Text editor for development works for years now. Mainly because its open source and uses limited resource . During my software internship, my friend said “Use a rich IDE like PHP Storm for Laravel development works”.
I tried to use it, but need to crack it and when its running my laptop got very slow. So I decided to go with my old buddy Sublime. Then looked for some YouTube videos about ‘How to make Sublime more powerful’. I found this helpful tutorial series from LearnWebCode channel.
To become familiar with these you have to do more and more coding. I hope these commands will help you to save your time and make coding much more fun. Enjoy this and please comment if you have a problem.
PS : Right now I use VSCode, just because its rich nature and easy integrations for languages and Docker. But as its Covid-19 WFH situation, I may try to go back and use Sublime Text-3.