Book review : Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka
Recently I read “Easter Sunday Attacks in Sri Lanka: Shadow of the deep state & unanswered questions” by Sunanda Deshapriya. Following comments are my own thoughts about book content, as a normal citizen of Sri Lanka, ‘How I feel about these facts ’ and not about the on going investigations or about original attack.
He tried to connect dots scattered all over different investigations. Almost all were proved using available credible sources. He saved a lots of time for us by doing the hardest researching and gathering information parts for readers.
Throughout his book, he had showed how ignorance Sri Lankan intelligence agencies regarding this possible attack. Many credible sources had warned authorities for months and even some cases for years. Yet they thought it would be something very small scale attack.
Even he couldn't prove what motivated just to ignore these alerts and let this attack happen. But in some cases [page 103], some people in law enforcement authorities ignored these alerts thinking consequences they would face if these attacks are prevented. This shows some powerful political or international thing behind this attack.
Personally I feel, he tried to highlight how cruel Sri Lankan military in his book using this attack. Main suspect he kept in the book is Military Intelligence unit. Its more like his personal agenda rather than proving points.